Friday, April 24, 2015

Tournament Time! - Pokemon Insurgence 07

Finally... it was time to enter a tournament.  I could finally show off my skills to Damian and Nora.

But before I could face them, I had to battle this little kid named Kyle...

Let's just say that I kicked his butt. And as for Damian....

...Zap took down his Corphish in one hit.

But then he swapped out to Delta Charmeleon, and it killed Neo Dude the Geodude so quickly.  It didn't even stand a chance.

My only option was to send in Saur. Both Pokemon were capable of landing super effective hits, so I believe that Saur only won the battle because he had the level advantage. And then he sent out Luxio, and we defeated it rather quickly.

I fought Nora in the final round of the tournament.

And she started out with Bayleef. My team defeated Bayleef, Sewaddle, and Trapinch rather quickly, ending the tournament.

My team may have won today's event, but I can't forget about Neo Dude. He was a sacrifice, but he fought well and didn't deserve to die.

Anyway, it's time to move on towards Suntouched City, so I can earn my first gym badge!

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Pixie Pokemon? Mew and Celebi in the Midna Cave! - Pokemon Insurgence 06

Picking up from where we left off last time, the team and I entered Midna Cave.

Our first wild encounter was a Phanpy, so that's what I had to catch.  I ended up naming it Dumbo.

We had to fight a powerful Lunatone, so I had Saur use Leech Seed to counter Lunatone's Hypnosis.  That way I could do damage to it every turn, even when Saur was asleep.

Then I ran into a girl, presumably Nora, and she had a Celebi with her. I wondered what she could be doing with a legendary Pokemon.

She was about to harm me to keep her secret safe, but then Mew reappeared!  She told me all about the prophecies and that people who are chosen by the "Pixie" legendary Pokemon would be the ones to take out the cults.  The first Augur was friends with Hoopa, but the new Augur doesn't have a legendary ally. And apparently Mew hasn't joined my team yet because I would become a target of the cults if it were to publicly team up with me.

I promised to keep Nora's secret, but now I have to return to the school.  I have a tournament to enter!

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Discipline Badge - Pokemon Zeta 06

Before heading to the gym, I met with a scientist, and he talked about prophecies of legendary Pokemon.  I have a new side quest, since he has tasked me with finding more of these legendary Pokemon.

Then I went to the gym and immediately noticed that I was invisible.

I had to locate four flowers to become visible again...

And then I could finally challenge the first gym leader, Devon.

I opened with Fish Bait, and he started the battle with a Machop.  A couple "Confusions" later, and Machop was done for.

I switched out to Seahorse when he brought Riolu into battle.  We both ended up having to use Potions to restore health on the same turn.

And then I was finally able to bring down his Riolu, but Seahorse barely survived.  I knew he would have to sit out the rest of the battle.

I brought Fish Bait back out when he sent out his final Pokemon, Meditite.

Fish Bait used Poison Powder on Meditite, but once it started charging energy for a powerful attack....

...I switched out to my sacrifice, Rockman.  It survived the attack, but just barely.

Now that Meditite was all calmed down, I switched back to Fish Bait to bring it down and earn the Discipline Badge.  We didn't suffer any casualties, and now we can move on and continue to grow our team.

Things are looking good... very, very, good.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Delta Evolution?! - Pokemon Insurgence 05

After saving the Augur, it was time to return to the cave... so that's where we went.

We found the exit rather quickly...

...and on the next route, we met a trainer who told us about a school where kids can go to learn how to battle with Pokemon properly.

Oh, and I accidentally killed the Ponyta that I ran into on this route, which meant that I couldn't add a new member to my team just yet.

But on the bright side, Saur the Delta Bulbasaur evolved into Delta Invysaur!  That's exciting, right?

And then we caught a Geodude in a cave!  His name is Neo Dude.  And you will respect him.

Moving on, we arrived in Midna Town while it was still light out.

A funny woman was talking about her Magcargo and how its Pokedex entry just has to be wrong.  After all, how could its body temperature be hotter than the surface of the sun?

And then a nice old lady gave us a Thunder Stone.  That'll be useful for evolving Zap into a Raichu someday when it knows enough attacks.

A little boy wouldn't let us continue on our adventure because he had to find a girl named Nora.  Apparently that involves us, and it's a justifiable reason for him to not let us pass.

What a little shit.

So I went to see her teacher.  She's surprised that Nora is missing, too.

So whatever... I guess we're going into the mines to find this irresponsible little girl... next time.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Unown and the Dark Cave - Pokemon Zeta 05

Well, well, well... You know that things aren't going to go well when you enter a dark cave and can't see well at all...

But on the bright side, I caught a Roggenrola and named it Rockman.

Fantastic.  It was just what I wanted...

Our second (and third!) encounter was a Makuhita.


I would have much rather caught that over Roggenrola.

But after killing a couple of Makuhitas, Fish Bait evolved into a Butterfree and became a total bad ass all at once!

I mean, the little butterfly Pokemon can finally hold its own against large threats like Onix.

I know Seahorse could take out Onix, too, but that's beside the point. Now my butterfly can do it, too.

Some guys were messing around with a stone, trying to make something appear.  I put my hand on it, and...

...Unown appeared!  Since I couldn't capture it, I just knocked it out instead.

Pretty soon, I'll be taking on my first gym challenge.  The only problem is that I only have three Pokemon... and Rockman is still new to the team.  I'm nervous about losing someone in the big fight, but if I want to move on in this Pokemon life, then I have to challenge the leader eventually...

I also have a new quest.  The man by the Unown told me to go to Fianga City.  Apparently his friend
Wilson lives there.

Friday, April 17, 2015

A Race Against Time - Pokemon Insurgence 04

I captured a Roggenrola in the cave and decided to name it Rocky.  It was carrying an Everstone, but I have no need for stopping my Pokemon from evolving.

I need them to be as strong as they possibly can be.

With Rocky by my side, we began exploring the cave.  Damian came here before us, and the kid could be in danger.

While we were looking for Damian, we ran into a Baltoy that gave us a little bit of trouble.  Everyone made it out of the battle just fine, though.

When we found Damian, he was complaining about how slow we were.  He really should have just been glad that we showed up at all.

Anyway, we overheard a couple of cultists talking about a plot to murder the Augur.  Terrified that he would lose his life, Damian and I rushed back to town.

Apparently we were late to see the Augur... But we was still alive, and that's what was most important.

We located the cultists and had no choice but to fight them.  The Augur's life was on the line, after all.

The cultist opened the battle with a Skrelp, but Saur took care of it without any problems.

It was Zap's turn to shine when he sent out Horsea.

And just like that, we succeeded in saving the Augur, and now we have to head to Midna Town.