Friday, April 17, 2015

A Race Against Time - Pokemon Insurgence 04

I captured a Roggenrola in the cave and decided to name it Rocky.  It was carrying an Everstone, but I have no need for stopping my Pokemon from evolving.

I need them to be as strong as they possibly can be.

With Rocky by my side, we began exploring the cave.  Damian came here before us, and the kid could be in danger.

While we were looking for Damian, we ran into a Baltoy that gave us a little bit of trouble.  Everyone made it out of the battle just fine, though.

When we found Damian, he was complaining about how slow we were.  He really should have just been glad that we showed up at all.

Anyway, we overheard a couple of cultists talking about a plot to murder the Augur.  Terrified that he would lose his life, Damian and I rushed back to town.

Apparently we were late to see the Augur... But we was still alive, and that's what was most important.

We located the cultists and had no choice but to fight them.  The Augur's life was on the line, after all.

The cultist opened the battle with a Skrelp, but Saur took care of it without any problems.

It was Zap's turn to shine when he sent out Horsea.

And just like that, we succeeded in saving the Augur, and now we have to head to Midna Town.

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