Tuesday, April 21, 2015

The Discipline Badge - Pokemon Zeta 06

Before heading to the gym, I met with a scientist, and he talked about prophecies of legendary Pokemon.  I have a new side quest, since he has tasked me with finding more of these legendary Pokemon.

Then I went to the gym and immediately noticed that I was invisible.

I had to locate four flowers to become visible again...

And then I could finally challenge the first gym leader, Devon.

I opened with Fish Bait, and he started the battle with a Machop.  A couple "Confusions" later, and Machop was done for.

I switched out to Seahorse when he brought Riolu into battle.  We both ended up having to use Potions to restore health on the same turn.

And then I was finally able to bring down his Riolu, but Seahorse barely survived.  I knew he would have to sit out the rest of the battle.

I brought Fish Bait back out when he sent out his final Pokemon, Meditite.

Fish Bait used Poison Powder on Meditite, but once it started charging energy for a powerful attack....

...I switched out to my sacrifice, Rockman.  It survived the attack, but just barely.

Now that Meditite was all calmed down, I switched back to Fish Bait to bring it down and earn the Discipline Badge.  We didn't suffer any casualties, and now we can move on and continue to grow our team.

Things are looking good... very, very, good.

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