Monday, April 20, 2015

Delta Evolution?! - Pokemon Insurgence 05

After saving the Augur, it was time to return to the cave... so that's where we went.

We found the exit rather quickly...

...and on the next route, we met a trainer who told us about a school where kids can go to learn how to battle with Pokemon properly.

Oh, and I accidentally killed the Ponyta that I ran into on this route, which meant that I couldn't add a new member to my team just yet.

But on the bright side, Saur the Delta Bulbasaur evolved into Delta Invysaur!  That's exciting, right?

And then we caught a Geodude in a cave!  His name is Neo Dude.  And you will respect him.

Moving on, we arrived in Midna Town while it was still light out.

A funny woman was talking about her Magcargo and how its Pokedex entry just has to be wrong.  After all, how could its body temperature be hotter than the surface of the sun?

And then a nice old lady gave us a Thunder Stone.  That'll be useful for evolving Zap into a Raichu someday when it knows enough attacks.

A little boy wouldn't let us continue on our adventure because he had to find a girl named Nora.  Apparently that involves us, and it's a justifiable reason for him to not let us pass.

What a little shit.

So I went to see her teacher.  She's surprised that Nora is missing, too.

So whatever... I guess we're going into the mines to find this irresponsible little girl... next time.

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